Donnerstag, 12. April 2007
i dont live in poverty, i got a little bit of money and i've got a healthy body. I'm not going to let stuff get me upset, and i wont let all the little things get me depressed.

when i was a young boy i got a stereo and i taped all the songs straight off the radio.

the sounds that the bands made, and the melodies is all i need to make me feel free.

sometimes you get so low, you don't know why, or a little upset all inside. May i remind you? that you don't live in poverty, you got your youth, and you got food in your belly.

I can get a record player, and a generator. Generate the music that makes you feel better.
The Holloways

ericpp (Donnerstag, 12. April 2007, 16:31  link)
when i was a young boy i got a stereo and i taped all the songs straight off the radio.
Aufforderung zur Anfertigung von Raubkopien. Du singst sicher auch 'Häppie Börsdäy' ohne Geld an die Gema abzuführen? ;o)
beetfreeq (Donnerstag, 12. April 2007, 19:28  link)
Hehe - na aber sicher - Anarchie wo geht! ;)

Mich hat der Songtext grad durch die Zeile an meine Kindheit erinnert. Hab damals teilweise auch stundenlang vorm Radio gehangen und Songs auf Cassette aufgenommen. Das waren noch Zeiten...

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