Startseite : Kategorien : Gedankenkurbel
Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about...
Oscar Wilde
Ich entdeckte einst einen kleinen Pfad
dort traf ich dich.
Wir beschritten ihn gemeinsam
und doch weit von einander entfernt
erlebten schöne Momente
machten gemeinsam rast.
Der Pfad gabelte sich.
jede Richtung zu klein für zwei.
Wir hielten uns fest
Ich kam ins Straucheln,
wanderte durch ein Labyrinth.
Lief über steinige Pfade,
breite Strassen,
durch dunkle Gassen,
duftende Alleen,
endlose Einbahnstrassen,
ruhige Plätze.
Viele Wege habe ich beschritten,
steinige und schöne,
aber ich fand keinen Pfad,
der so schön war wie unserer.
Also kehrte ich zurück zum Beginn
und traf dich erneut.
Wir beschritten unseren Pfad gemeinsam
und doch weit von einander entfernt
erlebten schöne Momente
machten gemeinsam rast.
Noch keine Weggabelung in Sicht,
kein Pfad zu klein für zwei.
Wir halten uns fest...
Darkness has entered my room
Suddenly I change my mood
Start to believe that I'm right
All of my words are in spite
Gone just as quick as they came
Feels like I've been shortchanged
Silence now empties the air
Stand naked my soul laid bare
I've been down time and time again
But there's something I found
To shelter from the rain
So beautiful, so beautiful to me
I've searched for miles around
Nowhere is love to be found
Darkness has returned so soon
Death by pale afternoon
But I've been down time and time again
And there's something I found
That shelters from the rain
So beautiful so, beautiful so, beautiful so, beautiful to me
The Coral
Nicht wundern, daß ich grad so viele Lyrics blogge - mir ist einfach grad danach, mich durch Songs auszudrücken!
Mind's Eye
When the time is right and the night is bright
We will see the things we've come to find
I've been searching for just a little more
Thought the days girl, just slip away
And the red sunset that we just met
I can see forever
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Come and see the mind's eye
Transfixed upon the why
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Well they say it's right if it feels alright
When your love burns up in the mire
So I burn a fire for a lost desire
See it burning higher
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Come and see the mind's eye
Transfixed upon the why
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Come and see the mind's eye
Transfixed upon the why
The mind's eye
Right now
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Come and see the mind's eye
We can find her if we try
Open Book
You are not an open book
I can't do nothing 'bout that
But I'm worried, I'm overdrawn
What am I doing up at the witching hour?
Pick up a book, put down a book
Turn on the TV
It's 2 AM, there's nothing on
I just need something to focus on
Things are going to slide
Slide out of control
I hope that you come back
I can't eat, can't sleep
When I close my eyes
The thought of you denies
Me, the rest, and the air
That I need
The longer you are far from me
The more I drift away
I didn't see the warning signs
I was falling through the cracks
You are not
An open book
I am worn and torn
I am overdrawn
The Rakes
Der Text ist aber nicht zuuuu ernst mit meiner Gefühlslage zu kombinieren - der Song ist einer von mehreren, mit denen ich einige schöne Momente der letzten acht Tage verbinde...
Price Of Gas
I've been driving, a mid sized car,
I never hurt anyone
Is that a fact?
The price of gas keeps on rising
Nothing comes for free
Make like a stone, make like a plant
I can tell you, how this ends
We're going to win this
With spades and truncheons, guns and trowels
That is how the war will be won
Just swat the fly
Taking care of cars and bodies
Nothing ever comes for me
The ghosts are here, red white and blue
I can tell you how this ends
We're going to win this
Bloc Party
My Brain
my whole brain was out of tune
my whole brain was out of tune
I don't know how to tune a brain, do you?
went in to a brain shop
they said they'd have to rebuild the whole head
I said well, do what you gotta do
when i got my brain back, it didn't work right
didn't have as many good ideas
haven't really have a good idea since i got it fixed
Drogen des Lebens
es kribbelt
dein Kopf ist wirr
du vergisst die Welt um dich
läßt dich fallen
in ein Bett aus Geborgenheit
gibst alles der einzigen Person
welche dich gefangen hält
dein Glück kennt keine Grenzen
eine Droge auf Zeit, die so gern ewig sein will...
sie prägt dich für das Leben
jedes Mal
immer neu
trockenes Kratzen
dein Kopf verwirrt dich
du willst vergessen, vergeblich
bist gefallen
in die Einsamkeit
verlierst eine einzige Person
welche dich in die Kälte entläßt
deine Trauer kennt keine Grenzen
aber du wirst stärker, Tag für Tag...
nimmst deine Erfahrung mit
jedes Mal
immer neu
der gefährliche Schatz
die Medizin des Lebens
umschlingt dich schnell und kompromisslos
ist schwer zu bändigen
du hoffst auf die Droge für's Leben
doch die ist eine andere.
sie gibt dir alles
wärmt dich
versteht dich
tröstet dich
schützt dich
bewahrt deine Gedanken, Träume, Wünsche
steht dir bei auf deinem Weg
geht ihn mit dir
das kostbarste Gut
der Schlüssel zum Leben
wächst langsam und gedeiht in Gegenseitigkeit
blüht auf zu ewiger Liebe
Ein Gedicht, daß ich vor einigen Jahren geschrieben habe, um eine Trennung damit zu verarbeiten. Ich hatte realisiert, daß ich immer nach etwas falschem gesucht hab. Aber so richtig draus gelernt habe ich damals nicht. Über die Jahre aber schon, glaube ich...
Get Rhythm
Hey, get rhythm when you get the blues
Hey, get rhythm when you get the blues
Yes a jumpy rhythm makes you feel so fine
It'll shake all the trouble from your worried mind
Get rhythm when you get the blues
Little shoeshine boy never gets low down
But he's got the dirtiest job in town
Bendin' low at the peoples' feet
On the windy corner of the dirty street
Well, I asked him while he shined my shoes
How'd he keep from gettin' the blues
He grinned as he raised his little head
Popped a shoeshine rag and then he said
Get rhythm when you get the blues
Hey, get rhythm when you get the blues
It only costs a dime, just a nickel a shoe
Does a million dollars worth of good for you
Get rhythm when you get the blues
Well, I sat down to listen to the shoeshine boy
And I thought I was gonna jump for joy
Slapped on the shoe polish left and right
He took a shoeshine rag and he held it tight
He stopped once to wipe the sweat away
I said you're a mighty little boy to be-a workin' that way
He said I like it with a big wide grin
Kept on a poppin' and he said again
Get rhythm when you get the blues
Hey, get rhythm when you get the blues
Get a rock 'n' roll feelin' in your bones
Get taps on your toes and get gone
Get rhythm when you get the blues
Johnny Cash
(endlich Walk The Line gesehen. Für gut befunden!)
'97 Bonnie & Clyde
Just the two of us...
Baby your da-da loves you (hey)
And I'ma always be here for you (hey) no matter what happens
You're all I got in this world
I would never give you up for nothin
Nobody in this world is ever gonna keep you from me
I love you
C'mon Hai-Hai, we goin to the beach
Grab a couple of toys and let da-da strap you in the car seat
Oh where's mama? She's takin a little nap in the trunk
Oh that smell (whew!) da-da musta runned over a skunk
Now I know what you're thinkin - it's kind of late to go swimmin
But you know your mama, she's one of those type of women
that do crazy things, and if she don't get her way, she'll throw a fit
Don't play with da-da's toy knife, honey, let go of it (no!)
And don't look so upset, why you actin bashful?
Don't you wanna help da-da build a sand castle? (yeah!)
And mama said she wants to show how far she can float
And don't worry about that little boo-boo on her throat
It's just a little scratch - it don't hurt, her was eatin
dinner while you were sweepin and spilled ketchup on her shirt
Mama's messy isn't she? We'll let her wash off in the water
and me and you can pway by ourselves, can't we?
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
See honey... there's a place called heaven and a place called hell
A place called prison and a place called jail
And da-da's probably on his way to all of em except one
Cause mama's got a new husband and a stepson
And you don't want a brother do ya? (Nah)
Maybe when you're old enough to understand a little better
I'll explain it to ya
But for now we'll just say mama was real real bad
She was bein mean to dad and made him real real mad
But I still feel sad that I put her on time-out
Sit back in your chair honey, quit tryin to climb out (WAHH!)
I told you it's okay HaiHai, wanna ba-ba?
Take a night-night? Nan-a-boo, goo-goo ga-ga?
Her make goo-goo ca-ca? Da-da change your dia-dee
Clean the baby up so her can take a nighty-nighty
Your dad'll wake her up as soon as we get to the water
Ninety-seven Bonnie and Clyde, me and my daughter
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
Wake up sweepy head we're here, before we pway
we're gonna take mama for a wittle walk along the pier
Baby, don't cry honey, don't get the wrong idea
Mama's too sweepy to hear you screamin in her ear (ma-maa!)
That's why you can't get her to wake, but don't worry
Da-da made a nice bed for mommy at the bottom of the lake
Here, you wanna help da-da tie a rope around this rock? (yeah!)
We'll tie it to her footsie then we'll roll her off the dock
Ready now, here we go, on the count of free..
One.. two.. free.. WHEEEEEE! (whoooooshhhhh)
There goes mama, spwashin in the wa-ta
No more fightin wit dad, no more restraining order
No more step-da-da, no more new brother
Blow her kisses bye-bye, tell mama you love her (mommy!)
Now we'll go play in the sand, build a castle and junk
But first, just help dad with two more things out the trunk
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
And when we ride!
Just the two of us...
Just the two of us...
Just you and I!
Just the two of us...
Just me and you baby
is all we need in this world
Just me and you
Your da-da will always be there for you
Your da-da's always gonna love you
Remember that
If you ever need me I will always be here for you
If you ever need anything, just ASK
Da-da will be right there
Your da-da loves you
I love you baby
Im Original von Eminem - im genialen Cover von Tori Amos, aus dem auch die Version hier entliehen ist...
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